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January 2010

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  • Foreign exchange debate: The illusion of normality?

    Despite, or perhaps because of, the changing nature of the interbank market, liquidity has returned to most corners of foreign exchange. But uncertainties remain over quantitative easing, Japan and the recovery. The panel gathered at the end of 2009 to find we are still in uncharted territory.
  • Emerging Europe debate: Back from the brink

    Emerging Europe had a tough 2009, but as a new year dawns central bankers across the region hope it will bring back economic growth. The debate about regulation and ring-fencing capital begins here as they discuss how to prevent the region from plunging back into recession. Interviews by Chloe Hayward.
  • Cash management debate: Show me the money

    In a cash-scarce world, electronic bells and whistles take second place to systems and partners that help clients marshal their global liquidity as quickly and visibly as possible. Maximizing working capital throughout the supply chain is now a necessity, not a luxury. Clients and banks must change.
  • Russia’s bite-sized sell-off

    Regional airports, tanker operators and river shipping lines – the list of assets up for grabs in the latest privatization round is unlikely to send foreign investors into a frenzy. But fatter prey may be about. Angus McDowall reports.
  • World Economic Forum: Governments losing battle against global deflation

    The character of responses to the recession augurs badly for a sustained recovery. The right sort of domestic consumption stimulus has not been put in place in China – the country is racing for exports again. Other regions are ill-equipped to cope; a Japan-style stasis of deflation and growth looks to be just around the corner, writes Charles Dumas of Lombard Street Research.
  • Greece tries to move forward

    The country’s huge budget deficit and stagnant growth have spooked ratings agencies and investors, already unsettled by the Dubai debacle. But Athens-based bankers have faith in their new government’s ability to bring the eurozone’s black sheep back into the fold. Phil Moore reports.
  • Parex splits up to safeguard its future

    Latvia’s Parex banka is the one of the biggest victims of the financial crisis in central and eastern Europe. As its chairman tells Sudip Roy, it is pinning its recovery hopes on a good bank/bad bank strategy.
  • Kazakhstan cleans up after the bubble bursts

    Investing in a Kazakh bank would be a risky, high-yield bet on a sustained global macroeconomic recovery. But some banks are already hoping to benefit from the country’s financial disasters. Dominic O’Neill reports from Almaty and Astana.
  • Trade finance survey 2010: In world trade, banks turn out not to be the villains

    Their problems have highlighted the importance of trade finance in maintaining the flow of goods. Laurence Neville reports on what is being done to sustain a vital economic function