March 1996
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Think funding, think America. That's what many borrowers are doing as US interest rates sit at historical lows and investors roll out the welcome mat. And you don't have to be triple-A rated to join the bandwagon, as Norman Peagam explains.
Socialists now rule in Portugal, but they are as eager as their predecessors to work towards European monetary union. David Sutton reports.
"You want to make sure your leads are awake, sweating at night, and we knew they would be." This was how Mark Cutis, treasurer of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) justified picking a decidedly odd couple of banks to launch its benchmark foray into five-year Deutschmarks, its first benchmark for two years. By Steve Irvine.
Jean-Claude Komarovsky masterminds a bid for the widest mandate ever contemplated in the history of the Universe, and visits a squirrel farm near Woking.
The German capital markets are changing. Monetary union in Europe by 1999 is fading, money-market rates have fallen and internationalization is the buzzword. The bond market has been motoring - until the recent downturn. Does this signal a change in longer-term investor sentiment? Philip Moore reports.
Some say IDB number two Nancy Birdsall has split Latin America's own development bank from top to bottom, driving through World Bank-style reforms and wiping clean the corporate memory. But after nearly three years, she seems to have won the war, if not the hearts and minds of the organization. Steven Irvine reports.
A special report prepared by Banque Indosuez.
A special report prepared by BBV.
London's future as a financial centre is not threatened by the Labour Party, European economic and monetary union or the pusillanimity of the London Stock Exchange board. But it will certainly be affected by all these things.
Nordic bonds led the world in performance last year, as investors applauded economic recovery and fiscal restraint. Although the upside now appears limited, they still provide a yield pick-up over German bonds. Norman Peagam reports.
Latin America's banks are going through a period of turmoil. Mexico's currency crisis and the end of hyper-inflation have badly damaged man of them. But for the best-run banks - and some foreign institutions - the upheaval is also producing some exciting opportunities. David Pilling reports.
A special report prepared by Credit Suisse.
A new system for holding and transferring collateral for derivatives overcomes the potential risk of third-party claimants. By Christopher Stoakes.
Economists now predict an upturn in the world economy. Country scores in Euromoney's country risk ranking, based on our poll of economists and political analysts, plus market data and World Bank debt figures, have jumped by an average of 2.75 percentage points. Research and commentary by Charles Piggott.
The Forrest Gump phenomenon, Hanson provokes bondholders, Borrowers' market, Return of the Asian issuers.
Vietnam up to its old tricks?, Big Push by foreign banks, Varying fortunes of China chips, Building on a healthy trade.
A special report prepared by Bank Sarasin & Co.
The beacon of European integration can never be turned off by a nation with Germany's history, as Herr Kohl has made clear in recent comments. But there is a dimmer switch - delaying the start of European economic and monetary union (Emu).
A special report prepared by Benito & Monjardin SVB.
A special report prepared by Bank J.Vontobel & Co. Ltd.
The structure of Spanish legislation is comparable to that of leading worldwide economies. This is partly due to the demands of the European Union of which Spain is a member, but also due to the desire of the Spanish government to internationalize its financial markets. Liberalization in Spain in the last 10 years has been widespread and rapid.
A special report prepared by Chemical Bank and The Chase Manhattan Bank NA Background.
A special report prepared by Santander Investment.
A special report prepared by Chemical Bank and The Chase Manhattan Bank NA.
Want to lend to Fiat but your country limit for Italy is full? Want to take exposure to Brazil without also incurring US interest-rate risk? Want six-month exposure to the Philippines but there are no securities under two years in the market? The bold, new world of credit derivatives allows you to do all this and lots more. Mark Parsley reports.
A special report prepared by SBC Warburg, a division of Swiss Bank Corporation.
A special report prepared by Societe Generale.
There's a good chance the next UK government will be left-of-centre Labour, whose previous terms of office have usually ended in inflation and currency crisis. Soft-spoken Labour politicians can't allay fears - among foreign investors and City practitioners - that a change of government will trigger a market correction and more controls on the financial sector. The reason for the fears: new-look Labour's overtures to private capital are vague and non-committal. Even Labour supporters are saying it's time to put flesh on the bones. By David Shirreff
The abolition of exchange controls and the start of privatization should do wonders for the illiquid Johannesburg Stock Exchange, but fuller representation of black businesses on the equity market is a vital change that's not so easily accomplished. Mark Ashurst reports from Johannesburg.