March 2016
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-John Cryan, co-CEO of Deutsche Bank, knows his options are limited as he tries to halt the bank’s decline
A top executive at a leading European bank questions the credibility of the firm’s new leadership
First there was M-Pesa, Kenya’s innovative and highly popular text-banking service that turned mobile phones into mobile ATMs, transferring money by SMS.
Neel Kashkari has wasted little time in promoting his personal brand as the new president of the Minneapolis Fed.
When attending green finance events Euromoney has been amused and astounded by the inventive ways conference organisers can support the cause.
Argentina’s new Macri government seems to have radically altered the country’s business and financial climate, but not everyone is necessarily benefiting.
Bank bondholders need to hope that Kazakhstan’s authorities break their habit of allowing bank defaults.
China is well on the way to creating a global currency, with a little help from the IMF. But what of India, the other economy set to dominate the 21st century? Will the rupee come to rival the renminbi and the dollar, or will poor planning and weak infrastructure undermine its ambitions?
Santander Mexico’s new CEO faces the challenge of evolving a business, while his predecessor keeps watch from the boardroom.
A cooperative bank in one of the EU’s smallest countries seems an unlikely place to find someone who wants to ‘blow up’ traditional banking. But OP’s Tom Dahlström is on the side of the disrupters.
Under Michael Wolf, Swedbank has won plaudits for the rewards it has given investors and its advances in digital banking. So what brought about the former CEO’s departure?
LatAm fixed income markets have seen a collapse in primary issuance and yields have jumped in the secondary market. But investors and bankers are pointing to a new-found maturity that augers well.
Portugal’s banks are doing better than at any point since the eurozone crisis. But local bankers’ optimism is tempered by concerns over ownership issues at BPI, Banif and Novo Banco
Timing is right for Post Bank launch, says chairman. Branch network will be bigger than Sberbank’s.
Weaknesses in Japan and Asia will mean a flight to quality.
Advice sought on new fund; Shoura eyes GOSI shake-up.
QFII reforms will open up access to domestic stocks; China will have big weighting in EM index.
Subdued supply and demand hit deal flow; More European focus at start of 2016.
Marketplace lending ABS is following a worryingly familiar path.
Performance varies widely; Clients still boosting allocations.
Every now and then a barometer deal comes around: one whose outcome shows the market what to expect. One such was Goodbaby China Holdings, set to be a deal that showed there was still scope to launch IPOs, even mainland Chinese IPOs, in Hong Kong, despite volatility.
Deutsche Bank’s co-chief executive John Cryan may find the bonus obsession of his investment bankers hard to understand. He will need to keep them motivated if he is to have any chance of pulling off a hugely challenging turnaround plan for the bank, however.
Shift to defensive assets, oil economies give up hard-earned savings. Did they beat market downturns?
Investors dump Deutsche after CFO funding boast; Fears spread to other bank stocks.
The lifting of sanctions meant a stream of international banks would make their way to Iran, right? Wrong. Some banks admit they are taking the first steps on the road to Tehran. Others might be, but they certainly do not want to talk about it. And in either case, there are plenty of barriers to getting there.
Deutsche Bank’s co-CEO John Cryan should follow the playbook of Standard Chartered CEO Bill Winters and mount a public campaign to claw back bonuses from former managers.
One of the big recent hits to net interest income at CaixaBank has come from the removal of interest-rate floors, which had been inserted into mortgage loan contracts to protect lenders from falling rates but not fully explained to Spanish borrowers.
John Cryan, Deutsche Bank’s chief executive, has to resolve an identity crisis that has beset the bank for 30 years.
Isidro Fainé is the highly driven power broker who used the crisis to make CaixaBank the biggest bank in Spain. He now has to overhaul its safety net portfolio of strategic industrial stakes and better position the bank for tough times in its core business. Fainé and his chief executive Gonzalo Gortázar have made big promises to shareholders on returns. Can CaixaBank deliver?
BNPP’s latest strategic update for its corporate and institutional bank might have fallen short of the expectations of a market now used to the wild lurches of rival European firms, but to dismiss this as mere tinkering would be a mistake. It builds on an already bold and long-held plan. And, crucially, it is one the bank’s leaders say they can afford.