May 2016
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View the full results of the Fixed Income Research Survey 2016 here.
The unbundling of research costs in fixed income could see the market shrink to a shadow of its former self.
Pfizer/Allergen merger abandoned; cross-border deals set for slowdown.
Rhydian Lewis, co-founder of UK marketplace lender RateSetter, is calling for the death of banking as we know it, and visited the House of Commons in London in April as part of his campaign.
Diversification, as any portfolio manager will tell you, can cap downside risk and even boost smart beta across the board. But is it also true in the real economy? Some think there’s evidence – albeit of a correlational, rather than the causal, kind – that it can.
Shaukat Aziz has had a remarkable career, from a 30-year stint as a senior executive in Citibank’s global empire to a period in politics, first as finance minister and then as prime minister of his native Pakistan.
In the old days, tax rows were a marketing opportunity. Now, tax bankers would rather self-harm than reveal their secrets through the media.
Central bank puts mid-tier lender into receivership; Kenya Commercial Bank wins takeover race.
Mayfair, April 2016: an increasingly common sight on the UK capital’s streets.
Martin Blessing may have stepped down as CEO of Commerzbank, but it does not sound like he is done with banking
New cross-continental buyer base emerges; worries over broker-dealer exits, covered-bond trend.
Nomura EMEA bankers left reeling; industry in structural decline.
Record losses and huge debts hit CDS; sovereign contagion free, so far.
Markets rally on Rousseff’s woes; corporations pressure politicians.
After a record year for fund raising, large fintech companies are now emerging in marketplace lending and payments, with many more newcomers deploying venture capital money raised in $25 million to $50 million chunks to transform capital markets and traditional banking mainstays such as mortgage lending. The fintech start-ups are building revolutionary applications for blockchain, attacking every specialist niche in the financial world and keeping the image of fintech clean with business ventures aimed at inclusion.
The sovereign-bank nexus or the doom loop? Whatever you like to call it, senior German and European policymakers are wrong to want to limit bank holdings of government debt.
Many investors in marketplace lending have learned the hard way about volatility in sub-prime credit.
China’s commitment to common standards for development banks is welcome news.
Argentina and Brazil are heading in opposite directions.
When it comes to great tragedies, from 9/11 to the Challenger, few ever forget where they were when they learn of such events. What about less earth-shattering news?
The belief in the self-healing genius of financialised capitalism has been irrevocably shaken. The memoirs of Alan Greenspan and Mervyn King tell the tale.
Lending does not offer banks an easy answer to their profits headache.
Central bank initiatives are carrying less and less influence and their diminishing returns increasingly point to a toxic race to the bottom.
OCBC subsidiary Bank of Singapore’s successful bid for the private banking operations of Barclays in Asia is another sign of the bank’s ambitions in regional wealth management. It’s entirely in keeping with Singaporean banks in general, all of which have sensed an opportunity to grow while multinationals have been cutting back.
The billionaire investor is scathing about the detrimental impact regulators and monetary policymakers have had on the financial sector. He’s calling time on investing in traditional banks and is turning his attention to non-bank specialist lenders instead.
Basel’s rule-makers rely too heavily on blunt standardized measures.
Oil rout weakens corporate debt sustainability; Rakbank and UAB suffer in SME downturn.
IPO follows strategic sale of Polish unit; strong investor demand for CEE, say bankers.
Bond showcases new strategy and structure; breathes life into region’s debt markets.