May 2018
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The aftermath of the 1MDB scandal has involved no end of wonderful plunder.
When TSB chief executive Paul Pester finally released a statement on the debacle of the bank’s migration to a new platform over the weekend of April 21, he declared that “the engine room of the bank is working as it should”, though its internet banking and mobile app “isn’t functioning as well as it should be”.
Deutsche management may be dropping like flies, but at least they have been longer-lived than one of the business lines in its financial results.
The Dutch bank’s future as a standalone bank is once again in question.
WeWork’s debut in the high-yield bond market was helped by investors effectively turning a blind eye to its costs of sales.
It has taken a while, but a corner has been turned.
Khorgos, a new state-of-the-art port in the middle of the Kazakh desert, sums up the grand ambitions of the Belt and Road Initiative. But it is as much driven and funded by Kazakhstan as it is by China. Rather than being a white elephant, it has real implications for trade.
Nordea, which gained shareholder approval to move its headquarters into the eurozone in March, has made much of its decision.
Appetite for acquisitions in the outperforming economies of emerging Europe is booming, despite political concerns. Deal flow remains concentrated in the mid-market, however, as a shortage of opportunities frustrates would-be big-ticket buyers.
It is one thing to simplify a business plan but quite another to execute it. Nevertheless, Citi appears to be on the verge of making its new simple approach, well, simple.
Banks already have the largest attack surfaces and face the widest range of attackers and attack types of any businesses. Now with their strategies dependent on rapid digital transformation, they are exposing themselves to a potentially existential threat on an ever-expanding cyber battlefield.
Fund managers understand that cybersecurity is one of the biggest threats to banks. They don’t yet have the tools to properly assess it. But if the data drought were to end, cyber-strategies could become an integral part of their investment decisions
With the most complex of supply chains, banks face an almost impossible task in dealing with third-party cybersecurity risk. But one group of counterparties poses a particular problem – law firms that have been slow to react to cyber crime
The cybersecurity challenge has forced banks to hire a new breed of professional, often from national security services. But cultural issues can make staffing a cyber team difficult
Risk management is in banks’ DNA. They have some of the largest cyber-risk management teams and budgets around – and senior management is taking the threat seriously. But are the banks secure? Can they drive cybersecurity down the supply chain?
Soviet military bunkers in Kazakhstan and portable houses in Siberia linked up to the plumbing: Bitcoin mining is moving in some interesting directions that will become even more diverse as China cracks down on its domestic industry.
Tahira Raza was among Pakistan’s pioneering FWB's first employees 30 years ago, with a mission to advance female empowerment in the country. Having returned as chief executive, she is battling to compete with bigger local rivals.
Gender pay gap disclosure has arrived in the banking industry, but a movement that aims to bring gender equality across the whole financial sector is just beginning. Euromoney speaks to some of the pioneers.
Firm buys Credito di Romagna stake; European banking licence adds to appeal.
Asset management is the hottest sub-sector in FIG investment banking in Europe. Even banks with successful in-house asset managers are thinking hard how to adapt, and must act fast.
Why aren’t firms putting their money where Xi Jinping’s mouth is?
An unusual move by a US regulator threatens to widen a conflict over potential manipu-lation of Hovnanian default swaps by Blackstone’s credit arm GSO.
If the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) does decide to weigh in on the issue of whether or not Blackstone’s trading in Hovnanian debt and default swaps constitutes market manipulation, it will revive questions about SEC chairman Jay Clayton’s ties to Goldman Sachs.
The near collapse of Ireland’s banks during the financial crisis did little to endear them to the nation. Now, as they return to profitability, the banks find themselves involved in another political controversy; this time over their attempts to sell off non-performing loans.
Despite healthy profits, is Kees van Dijkhuizen doing enough to close the digital gap with ING – and what happens when the Dutch mortgage market turns? Are the chief executive and his team capable of forging a longer-term rationale for the bank?
Christian Sewing has been painted as the stern cost disciplinarian and man of action, so he had to unveil something decisive-sounding at his first results call — even if it smacks of tokenism
A rule many thought had died silently in the legislative process is about to be resuscitated, and bond market pros say it will be devastating to bond market liquidity.