October 2009
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The global financial climate has forced treasurers to focus on making the best use of resources, wherever they may be. Technological developments are making that easier, but they are also having to cope with a tighter regulatory environment.
Published in conjunction with: Banco Santander Totta Caixa - Banco de Investimento
The leaders of the world’s banking industry will be relieved to know that someone is there to help them overcome their inhibitions and rebuild their damaged egos.
A romantic, old-fashioned style of banking business is enjoying a revival in the US. Smaller banks are gaining customers who are disillusioned with their bigger, national competitors. The White House is encouraging the trend. But should they be worried about banks that are too small to be saved?
The New Yorker magazine has offered an intriguing morsel of insight into the days after the Lehman Brothers collapse. According to the article, Tim Geithner, then president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, received a call from a "titan of the financial system" (as Tim put it), who said he was worried but doing fine. Immediately after ending the call, Geithner called the titan back and said: "If anyone hears your voice, you’ll scare the sh*t out of them."
Calderón needs tougher measures to solve the fiscal deficit problem.
On September 11 BGC Partners held its Annual Global Charity Day, involving the slightly bizarre sight of well-known (and indeed not-so-well-known) celebrities wandering around the inter-dealer broker’s trading floors taking calls from clients.
HSBC moves its chief executive to Asia not a moment too soon, as it seeks to grow earnings while international banks pull back.
Sheila Bair is running short of funds. But she is right to want to raise them in a way that doesn’t create a panic.
A worrying trend has surfaced in emerging markets as volatility hit China’s hedging contracts.
Whether or not former governor of Alaska and sometime vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s speech at the CLSA investors’ forum on September 23 was a hit with the audience – and opinions are divided – there’s little doubt that both she and her hosts did well from the event. Palin’s speaker fee was undisclosed but is likely to have been substantial; CLSA, meanwhile, adopted a media-unfriendly strategy that ended up winning it plenty of attention and all-important coverage of the event. Media sources, hoping for one of Palin’s trademark gaffes, were frustrated by CLSA’s policy of holding the session behind closed doors. Of course in the modern era absolute secrecy was unlikely (and probably unwanted by the media-savvy CLSA). Almost as soon as Palin’s speech began, audience members began sending their thoughts to social networking site Twitter; within hours of the speech’s conclusion they and business newswires were posting substantial excerpts online.
"I’m afraid he’s on gardening leave and could be for a while. You should see the size of this guy’s garden. I think it’s called Buckinghamshire"
Ankara ought to reveal the source of a $15 billion windfall in its budget.
Lloyds’ bumper RMBS is good news but it doesn’t fix the market.
Hybrid capital may no longer be welcome in the US and Europe but it is playing a valuable role in the emerging markets.
Barclays Capital has rolled out an improved version of its highly rated Barx trading platform.
Hopes to raise equity up to $500 million; Turns away from real estate development
Keen to avoid pitfalls of FXMarketSpace; Flexibility and cooperation key
When the Federal Republic of Germany enters the capital markets for a syndicated foreign-currency deal you know the circumstances must be special. Past weeks were remarkable as Austria joined its neighbour: both returning to the dollar market for the first time in four years. A number of Europe’s frequent issuers took advantage of the substantial saving available from issuing in dollars and swapping back to euros.
Credit-quality and profit-growth troubles; Subsidiary in Syria to undertake IPO
Bradesco, one of Brazil’s leading banks, and Portugal’s Banco Espírito Santo have joined forces to create a new private equity company that will operate in Brazil.
Three become five as clients choose multi primes; JPMorgan expands Bear Stearns’ platform
Terms of bond offer announced; Company has 21 days to complete restructuring
Stimulus measures to be retained; New oil finds boost growth prospects
France’s parliament amended article 2011 of the civil code on September 17 to help the structuring of Islamic financial products in the country using the French equivalent of trusts.
The yet-to-be-named trade aggregation service launched by CLS and Icap subsidiary Traiana in April received a fillip in September when Goldman Sachs became the latest bank to say it would support it. It joins the seven founder banks: Bank of America; Credit Suisse; Citi; Deutsche Bank; JPMorgan; Morgan Stanley and Royal Bank of Scotland.
Guarantees from its parent remove the big risks; It sets out modest targets for a return to profitability
Sovereign tests appetite for a $500mln bond; Government confident of strong growth
An aim of tapping into the potential of robust, transparent and ultimately investable FX indices has resulted in FTSE Group launching its FTSE Currency Forward Rate Bias (FRB) Index Series in conjunction with Record Currency Management. The FRB series effectively provides a carry strategy on the dollar, euro, yen, sterling and Swiss franc. Record’s research suggests that FRB provides a fundamental and sustainable return stream that rewards the risks associated with holding higher-interest-rate currencies. The index series is based on data going back to 1978 and shows a long-term return comparable to global equities and superior to global bonds, but with lower volatility. Ultimately, the hope is that products, such as ETFs and futures, will be based on the indices.