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Acquisition of Interacciones would lead to high concentration in state lending; management’s rationale and forecasts seen as optimistic.
It’s obvious that Brazil’s government needs to reform pensions and get hold of social spending – easy to say, not so easy to do.
Bank’s new digital platform delivering quick revenue growth; capital optimization makes the bank a potential dividend play.
GDP and credit growth should offset lower NII; greater efficiencies also sought to preserve strong results.
Markets buoyed by win that eases path for further reforms; all eyes on investment boost needed for gradual fiscal adjustment.
Bank says rationalization of retail branch networks will boost growth; head of its digital platform hints at wider retail banking services.
As research departments become revenue earners, their coverage universe will become a crucial part of the business strategy.
It seems counterintuitive, but the endless cycle of political turmoil in Brazil might be insulating the country from a crisis that is warranted by its perilous fiscal situation.
Hopes for full privatization dashed; investors might still see growth opportunity.
Global finance needs to believe in the progress it can drive to meet environmental challenges.
Mid-sized banks moving quickly to take advantage of credit growth: focus on organic rather than acquisitive growth could be a positive.
Investors have misconceptions about the scale of its retrenchment; growth and asset quality recovery likely to increase through 2018.
President Mauricio Macri’s economic inheritance was toxic; his policy of gradual fiscal realignment looks like it will lead to success in this year’s crucial mid-term elections, but the country desperately needs investment to maintain the transition.
The surprise victory of Donald Trump in last year’s US election stopped Mexican M&A in its tracks, but as the stock market and the peso started recover in 2017, so too did Mexican corporate appetite for acquisitions, not least in the US.
Public banks enjoy competitive advantage and dominate banking sector; growing fiscal deficits threatened to end strong run of economic growth.
New banking law looks set to require BBVA to add capital; deal would transform Scotiabank in key Pacific Alliance market.
President Mauricio Macri’s success in Argentina’s primary elections suggests that his gradualist approach to reform might be the right strategy after all.
Pipeline of ECM deals grows as sentiment improves; government said to be planning ‘ambitious’ privatization programme.
Costa Rica’s ambitious commitment to reducing carbon emissions places it at the forefront of the fight against climate change. But its politicians worry that, with financial aid being focused elsewhere, it could effectively be punished for its early adopter status.
State bank BNDES’ benchmark rate set to be replaced; implicit subsidies have been a significant fiscal drain
Volume key for profitability as banking market normalizes; flurry of equity deals to fuel M&A and organic growth.
Banks see normalization, with credit growth the driver of results; new mortgage product excites the market.
The IBRD's latest foray into capital-at-risk notes brings a familiar name back to the cat bond market.
Short-term factors driving strong improvements in earnings and ROE; revenues the issue next year as credit demand remains weak.
Itaú BBA has long been a top investment bank in Brazil. Recently, rumours of high turnover, a changing culture and low morale have been rife. But Roderick Greenlees, head of investment banking, says the bank remains an undisputed market leader.
It is no understatement to say that the country is uncharted territory. The news is all good right now. But next year’s presidential election could return it to familiar, volatile territory.
Implementation of global standard will lead to higher tier-1 capital levels; banks well capitalized but predictions of sovereign downgrades cloud outlook.
Bank’s IB division up to third in rankings in first half of 2017; IB head Leao says there is “still a lot more to come”.
Reduction of size and cost of subsidized credit key policy reform; negative impact of earmarked credit highlighted by World Bank report.
Sometimes we can’t see the trees for looking at the woods.