Latin America
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Markets rally on Rousseff’s woes; corporations pressure politicians.
Argentina and Brazil are heading in opposite directions.
Every cloud has a silver lining, and private equity firms are pretty good at finding them. Is that why they are now targeting crisis-hit Brazil? Have they learnt from their poor recent performance?
Country risk scores for many of the large emerging markets (EMs) continued to fall in the first months of the year. Risk scores have now reached levels that do not preclude another global shock if China hits the skids.
Cheapest access to dollars: politics helps mask economic realities.
Shores up confidence; retains minority Swiss bank stake.
International banks are picking up the suitcase banking habit in Latin America again. They may find it hard to return.
What’s a wealthy Brazilian to do faced with economic and political turmoil, scandal at one of the country’s leading private banks, and a big change to the tax law? Turn to the undisputed market leader in wealth management, it seems.
The Central Bank of Brazil is facing a credibility struggle, making it even harder for investors to predict when country’s turnaround will come.
Political instability, falling commodity prices, central-bank policy uncertainties and conflict were the principal negative risk factors for investors to contemplate at the turn of the year, as China’s troubles were brought into focus by another round of financial volatility.
International investors will swiftly return to Latin America if they see clear evidence of economic progress.
Brazil or Argentina need to spark revival; Latin America investment banking’s worst year since 2009.
Esteves’ exit fails to slow outflows; oil and gas exposure in spotlight.
With a struggling economy, Brazil will continue to rely heavily on its state development bank to provide long-term finance for crucial infrastructure projects, unless private-sector alternatives can be found.
Toxic outlook for economy and NPLs; impact of higher NIM sparks debate.
Central bankers in Latin America stress policy limits; macro-prudential tools out of favour.
Guarantees to aid private sector flows; BNDES scaling back but still dominant player.
Commodity exports overvalued the real; manufacturing went 'down the drain'.
China’s risk score fell 1.5 points, to below 60 out of 100, for the first time in almost two years in Q3 2015. With Brazil in freefall and a US interest-rate hike on the cards, investor risk is rising for many – but not all – emerging markets (EMs), complicating portfolio selection.
IRB Brasil Re delays IPO pricing; debt markets down 52% on year.
Investment banking fees in LatAm are on the way down and international banks face a tricky choice of whether to stick or twist.
The country’s economy is going through tough times, putting a greater onus on private bankers to look after their clients’ investments. An emphasis on overseas diversification of portfolios is crucial. However, domestic investments still take up the greater share and require careful management
The Brazilian government is pinning its hopes on infrastructure finance to boost GDP growth and help woeful productivity rates. But the source of finance and the viability of some of the proposed projects mean that an infrastructure-led recovery won’t be coming to Brazil’s rescue any time soon.
Brazil deal lifts Bradesco; UK bank fights to retain Mexico.
It is time for Brazil’s central bank to encourage some competition and shake up the cosy world of its domestic institutions.
Battle-ready long-term investors could pick up equity and debt on the cheap, according to research, as S&P finally cuts Brazil to junk after Euromoney Country Risk rankings.
DCM issuance down by 40%; locals and internationals suffer.
Plans to involve the capital markets seem to be attracting the wrong investor – one who might not understand the risks.
Government seeks private investors; buyers ‘not fully aware’ of the risks.