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Raphael Barisaac, UniCredit’s global head of payments and cash management, shares with Euromoney the bank’s strategic shift, how its value proposition sets the bank apart and his views on the ever-changing payment landscape.
As the financial markets landscape evolves, bourses such as CME Group have had to adapt and reinvent themselves to stay relevant. At the forefront of this transformation is Julie Winkler, chief commercial officer at CME Group, who has played a pivotal role in shaping the strategic direction and growth of the world’s biggest derivatives exchange.
Euromoney talks with Matt Burns, Lloyds Banking Group’s new co-head of the Transaction Banking Solutions team, who is leading the charge in creating a more client-centric and innovative business. From integrating siloed teams to developing ground-breaking solutions, Burns shares his vision for the future of Lloyds and the industry.
As Greece re-emerged from the financial crisis with firm roots on growth and innovation, Piraeus Bank embarked on its own transformation journey. In an exclusive interview with Euromoney, Thanos F Vlachopoulos, head of large corporate finance and wholesale products at Piraeus Group, reflects on the digital transformation of transaction banking at the corporate unit.
As the global banking sector faces increasingly complex challenges, sustainability has emerged as a defining priority for institutions looking to shape the future. Eva Rubio Garcia, head of global transaction banking at BBVA, speaks exclusively with Euromoney about driving change through sustainability.
In an era defined by rapid technological evolution, geopolitical uncertainty and shifting customer expectations, transaction banking finds itself at a crossroads. Euromoney sat down with Simon Paris, then CEO of Finastra, and Sylvie Boucheron-Saunier, Finastra’s CRO for payments, to discuss how banks can best move forward.
Manish Kohli, global head of payments solutions at HSBC, speaks to Euromoney about how client-centric innovation, technological transformation, and a strong leadership ethos are driving the bank’s edge on payments and treasury solutions.
Amid Citi’s global restructuring, which brought the bank’s treasury and trade solutions and securities services under the same umbrella, Shahmir Khaliq, Citi’s head of services, explains how ever-changing client needs are the driving force behind the bank’s evolution.
At SIBOS, Mark Monaco, head of global payments solutions at Bank of America, pulled back the curtain on the strategies driving the bank’s leadership in an exclusive interview with Euromoney. “Success has three ingredients: people, process and technology,” Monaco shared on the bank's ability to stay ahead in an ever-evolving industry.