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Why Are Banks Failing?
Watch our webinar free and on demand


During the interactive session, delegates gained valuable insight into the single, biggest mistake made by most banks, worldwide, when managing their risks. They were also able to access some excellent insight from Allan during his Q&A session.

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In this webinar hosted by risk management expert, Allan Greenshields, delegates gleaned invaluable insights into the primary risk management error commonly committed by banks worldwide.

The webinar received some very positive praise:

"Engaging and interactive! Very good examples and excellent structure."

"Very informative."

"This has been an eye opener for me."

"Many thanks, very good presentation!"

Allan also conducted a Q&A session that addressed various topics, such as the reasons behind the creating of 6,392 new regulations in the past decade and how banks can instil confidence in regulators regarding their risk management processes to mitigate the need for additional regulation.

Key discussions & insights include:

  • Risk management failure statistics
  • Reasons behind bank failures
  • Common mistakes leading to failures
  • Strategies to address these issues

Short Course: Making Risk-Based Decisions Safely

If you enjoyed the webinar then you can discover more strategies for making informed risk management decisions in banking.

When challenges arise within a bank, we often encounter situations requiring risk-based decision-making. In such instances, there's rarely a singular correct choice; instead, we must navigate towards the "least detrimental" option.

How can you effectively navigate these decisions while safeguarding your bank and yourself from potential future repercussions, including regulatory scrutiny?

Explore 3 essential steps in risk management to approach tough decisions while upholding compliance with your roles and obligations. Join our concise course to unlock the key to these steps. This 90-minute session offers access to tailored content, interactive exercises and opportunities for knowledge exchange through discussion forums, ensuring effective risk identification and compliance.

Register to join the course today.
