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Blockchain Explained

A six-part blog series designed to give you a practical understanding of how blockchain technology works and its potential impact on the banking and finance industry.


Developments in FinTech are transforming financial services. Blockchain and distributed ledger technology are at the forefront of this revolution. Despite this, blockchain remains widely misunderstood.

To help you get to grips with how blockchain technology works and its potential benefits, risks and applications, we have launched a blog series: Blockchain Explained. Each post provides a bite-sized explanation of a specific aspect of blockchain, so you can develop your understanding at your own pace.


Blockchain Explained

Explore our Blockchain and FinTech Courses

Explore our Blockchain and FinTech Courses

Euromoney’s FinTech training courses are led by world-leading experts and cover a variety of topics including private and public blockchains, cryptocurrency, alternative fundraising strategies, and the role of AI, machine learning and big data in banking.

Browse through some of our available course listings, or contact us about our bespoke Fintech training programmes via the provided form.

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