Macaskill on Markets
Wall Street’s Trump party could end in a hangover
US banks will get a trading and dealmaking boost from Trump’s re-election, but rising Treasury yields could pose challenges. -
Sideways: Timing is everything at Deutsche Bank
Former credit trader Shikha Gupta discovers that a verbal contract isn’t worth the paper it is written on. -
Macaskill on markets: In the year of equities, derivatives are key
It is turning out to be an equities year for the big investment banks, as fixed income revenues fall or stall and fees from dealmaking recover slowly.
A US climate bill filled with green credits will create business for banks and provide relief from the backlash against ESG products.
West Virginia state treasurer Riley Moore has opened another front in a campaign by Republican officials in the US against banks that promote ESG policies.
HSBC Asset Management’s head of responsible investing has had it up to here with consultants and regulators lecturing him on climate change risk.
In the wake of recent events, bankers and their lawyers need to be much more aware of the need to balance effective legal compliance with a respect for client confidentiality.
UK proposals on the reform of insolvency procedures take account of the special needs of securitizations. There is, though, uncertainty that all types of such deals are covered.
In an economic downturn, law firms specializing in financial business can ease the pain by establishing relations with their clients that are not strictly based on individual deals. The clients may also benefit.
Aspects of the proposed EC Prospectuses Directive could upset the smooth running of the Eurobond markets.
European banks risk finding themselves outpaced by US competitors in the bid to protect and exploit their intellectual property.
The European market for collateralized debt obligations is set to grow significantly this year. This promises to be an area of intense interest for US and UK structured finance lawyers.
Economic and competitive pressures facing telecoms operators in Europe and internationally could, in turn, expose the equipment suppliers to heightened credit and legal risk.
Despite investor demands for tighter dot com management controls, B2B and B2C companies still have little awareness of their exposure to legal risk By Nigel Page
The restructuring of the Paris legal scene took an unexpected turn late last year, when one of the city’s leading French M&A partners finally gave up on his old firm and did what his colleagues had spent the last two years avoiding – he joined an Anglo-Saxon firm.
The Financial Services Authority will set up a new market abuse regime next year, but with the proposals on the table, City lawyers doubt that it will make their lives, and those of their clients, any easier. By Richard Tyler
The Financial Services Authority will set up a new market abuse regime next year, but withthe proposals on the table, City lawyers doubt that it will make their lives, and those of their clients, any easier.
The financing of the Julietta goldmine project in Russia's far east has been handled by commercial banks thanks to careful work by law firms
Capital markets in the Gulf are rich with potential. The markets are developing rapidly, especially in the UAE, but international investors will only get involved once the requisite legal framework is in place. By Nigel Page
The prolonged corporate finance spree is offering law firms a rich source of premium deals. However, winning the business places a heavy burden on staff. By Nigel Page
The explosion in M&A and restructuring activity across Europe has triggered a transformation in the types of financing structures employed. Law firms are already restructuring themselves to take advantage of the shift. By Nigel Page