Rates Survey
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Overall by institution type return to the
Overall by currency/product return to the
Overall by institution type return to the
Client Satisfaction Ratings return to the
Euromoney believes that the survey will provide an accurate proxy for trends in the major areas of activity polled and will accurately discern the relative performance of the banks ranked, over the survey period of September 2011 to September 2012. The survey also excludes a number of categories of market participant, which means that the total volume reported by the survey is not and not intended to be an accurate reflection of total global rates activity. Euromoney aims to capture client to dealer, price-taking activity only. However, given the geographical and participant-type spread represented by the survey, Euromoney believes that the survey provides an accurate proxy for trends in the major areas of activity polled and accurately discerns the relative performance of the banks ranked over the survey period of September 2011 to September 2012.
Overall by institution type return to the
Overall by institution type return to the
Last month, ill-informed speculation grew to a crescendo that Antony Jenkins, the newish chief executive of Barclays, who spent his career on the retail side of the bank, would take the axe to the investment banking division. After all, UBS’s shares had been re-rated after the bank announced a wide-scale deleveraging of the investment bank, particularly those parts of the FICC division that had large amounts of capital tied up by counterparty risk exposure in long-dated derivatives.
Overall market share (These tables are dollarised/based on the four major currency volumes only/maturity neutralised)
Euromoney believes the survey provides an accurate proxy for trends in the main areas of activity polled and accurately discerns the relative performance of the banks ranked during the survey period of September 2010 to September 2011. Euromoney aims to capture client-to-dealer, price-taking activity only. However, given the geographical and participant-type spread represented by the poll, the survey excludes a number of categories of market participant, which means the total volume reported by the poll is not, and is not intended to be, an accurate reflection of total global rates activity.
The big players continue to dominate a profitable business line. But some investors are looking to challenge their hegemony by moving into market making as well as proprietary risk taking.
The big players continue to dominate a profitable business line. But some investors are looking to challenge their hegemony by moving into market making as well as proprietary risk taking.
The three established leaders have high market shares and plenty of rivals. Large banks, recovering from their own recent near-death experiences, have singled out rates as one of the first businesses to fight their way back into. Newcomers are pitching in too. Peter Lee reports.
A new Euromoney survey shows three established leaders have high market shares and plenty of rivals. Large banks, recovering from their own near-death experiences, have singled out rates as one of the first businesses to fight their way back into. Newcomers are pitching in too.