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  • Iran’s banks have had their access to international liquidity curtailed by sanctions imposed by the US. This photo, of a Bank Melli cashpoint, suggests its management may have gone a little too far in protecting their deposit base. Either that, or perhaps the marketing department got the wrong end of the stick in a drive to attract high net-worth individuals?
  • Of benefit to both the environment and HSBC’s bottom line is the opening of a new internal network of conference rooms by the UK bank, which CIO Ken Harvey says will give "the experience and benefit of actually being in the room with colleagues on the other side of the world, without having to pack a suitcase".
  • "Our long-term view remains – we will eventually see 1.60 for cable and parity for EUR/GBP" -Paul Day, Mig Investments
  • India moved a step closer to liberalizing its foreign exchange market with the launch of rupee currency futures trading on the National Stock Exchange on August 29. Initial activity was brisk, with about 70,000 contracts changing hands in the first session. The NSE contracts are extremely small by international standards – they have a notional value of just $1,000 – and would appear to be very much aimed at attracting retail participation. Perhaps not surprisingly, early trading was dominated by banks and large corporations.
  • Today’s long-term rise in agricultural commodity prices is different from previous episodic spikes. Higher prices are having knock-on effects on companies in the sector, as well as on farmers and the poor, and causing a re-evaluation of business models. Peter Koh reports.
  • Central and eastern Europe are a key division to UniCredit’s future success. Comprising 20 countries, with a regional market share of about 18%, historically the bank has grown its presence more through acquisition than organic growth.
  • As Euromoney asks for his views on fair-value accounting, the European bank chief executive carefully sets down his fork in the plate of scrambled eggs before him, slumps back in his chair and rolls his eyes. The press relations lady squirms uncomfortably and leans across the breakfast table, whispering: “This bit is going to be off the record.”
  • The impact of global warming on agriculture is complicated. Although an increase in global temperatures of up to 2.5 degrees Celsius could help increase total agricultural production by improving growing conditions in some parts of the world, many of what are today the world’s poorest countries would experience a worsening of growing conditions and food security.
  • Commercial farmers have benefited from higher food prices but subsistence farmers in developing countries have missed out on the boom because they need to consume all their production themselves and do not have enough surplus to sell at market prices. Helping farmers in developing countries is crucial to increasing global food production and combating food inflation where it hurts the most. However, poor access to banking facilities is a barrier.