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There are 39,862 results that match your search.39,862 results
  • With returns of 27% over the past 12 months, vintage champagne investment is not to be sniffed at. The Liv-ex Champagne 25 index to the end of June outperformed even the leading fine wine index, the Liv-ex 100, which returned 8.5%. Since January 2004, the champers index has returned 138%. The best-performing champagnes, such as Krug, Cristal and Dom Perignon from the acclaimed 1996 vintage, are up by as much as 56% since last June. The rise in price is attributed to new wealth and new markets.
  • Luis Valdivieso was named as the new finance minister in Peru last month. After nearly two years as finance minister, Luis Carranza stepped down from office. The move was not a surprise and Valdivieso is expected to maintain the same conservative approach to fiscal and debt management. Many applaud Carranza’s austere fiscal policies and credit him with moving Peru towards investment-grade status. On the day of Carranza’s resignation, Standard & Poor’s awarded Peru an investment-grade rating, the second rating agency to do so after Fitch in April.
  • How will the baby boomers that will come onto the Middle East’s job market over the next 10 years be employed?
  • Austria’s Erste Bank has bought a 9.8% stake in Bank Center-Invest for an undisclosed sum. Bank Center-Invest is a leading bank in southern Russia, which is one of the most economically diversified regions with limited reliance on the oil and gas industry and particular strength in agriculture. Founded in 1992, Bank Center-Invest is headquartered in Rostov-on-Don, employs about 2,000 staff and has 110 branches, the second largest network in southern Russia. Other major shareholders in the bank include the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (27.5%) and German development agency DEG (22.5%).
  • BNP Paribas argues coordinated action to support the dollar can work.
  • Barclays Capital has confirmed that Adrian McGowan is joining as managing director and head of foreign exchange trading, Asia-Pacific, from Deutsche Bank. It has also promoted Lutfey Siddiqi, its managing director and Asia-Pacific head of corporate FX and risk advisory, who now has additional management responsibility for distribution of the full suite of flow and structured FX products across corporate and investor clients in Asia-Pacific. Dean Tonkin, currently head of FX trading, Japan, and regional head of FX forwards, has also assumed additional regional responsibility for FX spot trading and FX proprietary trading.
  • Competition, consolidation and innovation are pushing forward development in payment and collection systems. By Jack & Wolfi Large
  • Corporate treasurers are increasingly expected to understand and manage not just financial risks but risks across the whole enterprise. New software tools can help them do this. By Jack & Wolfi Large.
  • Professional cycling is a sport that has a long association with doping. In reality, it is probably no worse than any other and its fans will tell you it has done more to clean its tarnished image than those sports that are not regarded with such suspicion.
  • Family disputes in Asian listed companies have an unfortunate propensity to boil over unresolved into the public arena, raising important corporate governance issues.
  • Panic over the state of Fannie and Freddie may have been overplayed, but more transparency over their role in US housing should be welcomed.