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  • Complex dynamics propel innovation
  • Who's buying whom?
  • The City of London's usual summer slowdown was even more apparent than usual this summer as bankers' attention was grabbed by the most exciting Test Match series ever. England narrowly beat Australia for the Ashes, the sport of cricket's most prized trophy. The UK population, normally only interested in the histrionics of footballers and their wives, fell in love with cricket once again as England outplayed their arch-rivals for the first time in almost 20 years.
  • Euromoney polled cash managers, treasurers and financial officers at 4,500 non-financial corporates in 68 countries. In total 1,004 valid replies were received to questions relating to international cash management services (2004:1,154 replies) from 67 countries. Respondents were asked to:
  • Rusal has grown from scratch in 2000 to become the world's third-largest producer of aluminium. But if this rapid growth is to continue, the company will need to stick to the acquisition trail, picking up bauxite and alumina producers worldwide. Kathryn Wells reports.
  • Investment by foreign banks and investors in domestic Chinese banks is not over, but it seems that the recent frenzy of activity has abated, with most of the big deals now signed or at least agreed.
  • Prey becomes predator
  • BANK OF CYPRUS PUBLIC COMPANY LTD: Profitable and Awarded International Awards Recently the Bank earned yet another international recognition. In early September and for the fifth time in six years The Banker magazine proclaimed Bank of Cyprus as Bank of the Year for Cyprus. The Bank achieved significant improvement in profitability indicators, arising from cost cutting, in parallel with an increase in income in Cyprus and in Greece. Profit after tax for H105 increased by 98%. The Group's cost to income ratio decreased from 67,3% in 2003 to 62,0% in 2004 and 59,1% in H105. As Mr. Andreas Eliades, Group Chief Executive Officer, stated "The Bank of Cyprus Group continues its efforts to increase profitability with the continued dynamic penetration of the Greek market and its plans to expand beyond its traditional markets to new markets that present high growth opportunities. In parallel, the Group has intensified its efforts to improve pricing, risk management and cost containment. The main focus of the group is to provide customers with the best quality service using increasingly cost effective procedures, through a variety of alternative distribution channels and innovative products that aim to satisfy the needs of each and every customer." Growth Strategy The Group's strategic plan for 2005-2007 three year period includes among other things, increase in productivity in line with organizational restructuring of the customer service network. In parallel the Bank of Cyprus Group plans to further develop customer services through the introduction of new products and entrance into new markets. Moreover the organization aims to improve its loan portfolio quality and continue its dynamic expansion overseas. In this context the Group aims by 2007 to increase Return on Equity (ROE) to more than 13%, and reduce its cost to income ratio to below 58% compared to 59% in H105. Τhe Bank of Cyprus Group is the largest listed company in the Cyprus Stock Exchange in terms of market cap (Euro 1.82 billion) and one of the top Cypriot banking and financial services organization. It has extensive presence in Greece, the United Kingdom and Australia and also representation in the United States, Canada, South Africa, Russia and Romania. At 30 June 2005, the Group reported a remarkable increase in profits after tax by 98%, at Euro 55 million versus 28 million in H104. In Cyprus, core profit recorded a 52% increase to reach Euro 82 million. In Greece, core profit reached Euro 50 million, contributing 35% to the Group total, while in the UK and Australia core profits increased by 30%. Group equity in H105 amounted to Euro 1.03 billion while total assets reached Euro 19.84 billion. by Capital Link
  • And the latest hedge fund manager is... ...former SEC chairman and corporate governance honcho Richard Breeden. Breeden headed the SEC from 1989 to 1993 and acted as corporate monitor of WorldCom and, more recently, KPMG. Unsurprisingly, given his experience, Breeden is launching an event-driven activist fund, profiting from companies that improve their corporate governance. The fund is being launched next January and Breeden hopes to raise between $500 million and $1 billion.
  • There has been a quantum leap in the economic literacy of the presidents in the region
  • Big bank players back electronic developments from a regional exchange.
  • Percentage of very good or excellent ratings customers gave to their lead ICM