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There are 39,651 results that match your search.39,651 results
  • The Chinese government is at it again. Having already spent at least $45 billion in what may well prove to be vainglorious attempts to fix the country's ailing state-owned banking system, the People's Bank of China (PBC) announced that the State Council has decided to part with another $15 billion of foreign exchange reserves to shore up the capital base of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, by assets, the nation's largest bank.
  • Depfa Bank
  • As the commercial mortgage-backed securities market has grown in the past year some observers have raised concerns that risks are not being adequately priced and that the broader uptake of CMBS – including in collateralized debt obligation tranches – could prove hazardous. Most bankers dismiss such suggestions as nonsense.
  • Borrower matches investor demand for yield as well as long-dated assets
  • Real estate investment trusts have taken off dramatically in Japan, providing a new way to invest in the property market and an attractive rate of return compared to other investment products. Can the boom last? Andy Wright reports.
  • Vneshtorgbank
  • Delay could mean SEC is reconsidering terms
  • With banks more cautious about straight lending and bond spreads tight, real estate securitization through commercial mortgage backed securities is becoming increasingly popular, with conduit issuance taking a growing share of the market. Laurence Neville reports.
  • News that Knight Trading has agreed to acquire Attain, a small ECN, passed almost unnoticed as the securities industry's attention was focused on the New York Stock Exchange's dramatic decision to merge with electronic rival Archipelago, and on Nasdaq's acquisition of I-Net.
  • Brazil: keep your eye on the ball
  • FX settlement system CLS has responded to its member board's request to investigate the feasibility of adding a matching and netting facility for non-eligible currencies (NECs) and the settlement of FX option premiums, non-deliverable forwards (NDFs), interest rate swaps and credit derivatives. CLS Bank Settlement Members have been meeting with CLS to thrash out the design and the attractiveness of the inclusion of these more complicated FX-related products. While use of FX derivatives has grown, some banks have voiced concerns that the pace of growth is stretching their back offices. "FX players are now being squeezed between the conflicting forces of growth and the need to tidy up their operations," says Jonathan Butterfield, executive vice-president at CLS. "The optimal way to do this is to establish a level of standardization and use of common infrastructures collectively."
  • Despite a more uncertain rate and credit environment, new issuers and investors continue to enter the covered bond market. As the boundaries between traditional and structured products blur, Asia and the US are the targets.