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There are 39,554 results that match your search.39,554 results
  • Theirs is a modern fairytale romance that blossomed amid the spreadsheets. In these hard times, the Danish Prince Gustav zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg must work to support himself despite bearing a royal title. But in between working as a relationship manager for Citibank Private Banking and being a prince, Gustav has met his future wife, a venture capitalist, in London's Financial heartland.
  • Emerging markets may be back in favour but few investment markets are as exotic as Palestine.
  • Brazilian soccer legend Pele turned up at the New York Stock Exchange on August 10 to close the First day's trading of Petrobrás, Brazil's leading oil producer and its largest company.
  • As Asia's markets emerge battered and bruised from three years of crisis and recovery, the region’s shell-shocked bankers and issuers are starting to pick up the pieces and look towards a brighter future. Bond and loan markets are showing signs of tentative recovery, equity markets are alternating between bewilderment and elation, and the samurai bond market remains intent on defying conventional economics. Gill Baker reports
  • High-yield bonds and loans are the business every bank wants to be in. But when bond markets turn nasty, junk debt is the first to suffer. Michael Peterson reports
  • A fear of foreign influence and a desire to escape the social costs of consolidation have slowed bank reform in Slovenia, but with likely EU membership looming change cannot be put off much longer. Christina White reports
  • Few banks better illustrate how the market has shifted from cashflow to synthetic CLOs than Deutsche Bank. The bank has been one of the biggest issuers of conventional CLOs, securitizing several billion euros-worth of corporate loans through its Core series of transactions in 1998 and 1999.
  • Ever on the look-out for new and lucrative corners of the capital markets, many firms have identified what is often called capital management as a promising niche. At its most respectable, this business consists of advising banks and other companies on how to measure and manage the true economic risks of their activities. More often than not, however, it is about cold-calling bank treasurers and trying to sell them ideas for complex deals. Michael Peterson reports
  • As the huge conglomerates that have long dominated Germany's economy transform themselves into sleek, focused businesses, a procession of corporate assets has come to the market.
  • Former director, research & statistics division, US Federal Reserve
  • Troubles continue at Scottish Widows, whose chief executive, Orie Dudley, is leaving after publicly criticizing his bosses.