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There are 39,554 results that match your search.39,554 results
  • Mitsubishi, Japan
  • Managing director, European fixed income distribution, Barclays Capital
  • At last there's a business-to-consumer internet company to keep the most skeptical bankers happy. was launched on March 1st by the aptly-named Jeff Hock. "So many of my customers are investment bankers," says Hock. "Looking down the list we've got so many Wall Street names down here. Our service appeals to them because they've got no time to go shopping, are comfortable ordering on-line in the day, and can have it delivered to their doorman before they get home."
  • New Russian president Vladimir Putin is waving the reform banner but there are fears that the problems of Russia's beleaguered banks are going to be swept under the carpet.
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Citibank and HSBC battle it out to be the best pan-Asian bank.Morgan Stanley Dean Witter succeeds in M&A and HDFC Bank had a great year in India. Kathryn Hanes
  • Chase Manhattan
  • Salomon Smith Barney
  • Hungary's financial markets have rebounded from Russia's August 1998 Financial meltdown but for many local investors the nightmare will continue until 2006. Last month the Investor Protection Fund started to compensate the clients of bankrupt London Bróker, whose activities had been suspended almost a year ago. But since the Protection Fund does not have the money to pay the Ft2.4 billion ($8.9 million) in losses to thousands of small investors, it must spread the payments over the next five to six years.
  • Credit Suisse First Boston
  • Goldman Sachs
  • The imposition of forced administration on Investicni a postovni banka, the Czech Republic's third-largest bank, on June 16 and the bank's immediate takeover by Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka, is significant far beyond the change it brings to the Czech banking sector. It also represents a milestone in Czech politics, as the last major bastion of cronyism between banks and politicians and political parties has come crashing down.