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There are 39,902 results that match your search.39,902 results
  • Revamping the US equities market
  • Revamping the US equities market
  • Last month Front End had a little jest at the expense of one of the runners in the Chase Corporate Challenge fun run recently held in London's Battersea Park. One brave soul, you may recall, was spotted heading for the finishing line in a Yamaichi T-shirt.
  • Liability Management: Derivatives Peers' vote - Results Index Page
  • Liability Management: Derivatives Peers' vote - Results Index Page
  • ARAB 100: Methodology
  • Brazilian institutions dominate the ranks of Latin America's largest banks by shareholder equity. But this ranking compiled by Fitch IBCA is based on the latest full-year figures, 1998, and is converted into dollars at last year's exchange rate. It therefore provides a snapshot of the sector just before Brazil's January devaluation. Next year's list may include a stronger showing by Mexican and Argentine banks
  • Which firms do borrowers think of first when they want to raise money? That is always a key question for investment and commercial banks and it takes on particular relevance now. The capital markets are being transformed. A whole new group of borrowers is launching debut bond issues. Our poll shows which banks they rate best. Commentary by Michael Peterson; research by Rebecca Cicolecchia.
  • Country Risk: Methodology
  • Capital raising: Borrowers vote - Results Index Page
  • Euromoney received replies from 36 economists at leading financial and economic institutions. They gave each country's economic performance for 2000 and 2001 a score out of 100. The world's fastest-growing, best-performing economy in an ideal year would score 100; the worst economy in a disastrous year would score zero. Respondents were asked to consider economic growth, monetary stability, current-account/budget deficit or surplus, unemployment and structural imbalances. Economists also gave their GNP growth forecasts for 2000 and 2001. Our thanks go to the 50 political analysts and economists who took part in our survey. Those happy to be named are:
  • Economic projections methodology