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There are 39,870 results that match your search.39,870 results
  • So, the succession at Chase is decided. Bill Harrison will inherit a bank riding high in the league tables, doing deals in the darkest days of the crisis and basking in the respect of its peers. How did Tom Labrecque and Walter Shipley do it? By rethinking the bank's whole approach to risk management and being able to say no to marriage proposals. But if it is to continue on this roll and become a true one-stop shop, Chase needs to do a deal sooner or later. Michelle Celarier reports.
  • Credit Research poll results: Moving down the credit curve
  • After so many years of gloom is there at last a glimmer of light in Nigeria? Following February's presidential election, the country's prospects for inward investment and economic stability have seldom looked brighter. Recent activity in the capital market may hint at economic improvement ahead. But fearsome problems remain and fast-track growth is still some way off. Philip Moore reports
  • So farewell, then, Max Chapman, the banker who got closer to the top of a Japanese financial institution than any other westerner, and who resigned last month to spend more time enjoying his Arizona ranch and his personal fortune estimated to be $100 million.
  • Why has the merger of Chase and Chemical succeeded while others have not?
  • Mix telephone evangelism with telephone banking and you have... Bank of Scotland's latest direct banking venture. The bank already has a UK operation in partnership with a supermarket chain, J Sainsbury, but it has chosen a more controversial partner for the US in the form of Marion "Pat" Robertson.
  • A puny equity market, a handful of government bonds and a stalled privatization programme. What on earth could interest portfolio investors here? The answer is the long-term view. Kazakhstan, surrounded by basket cases, is trying to sell itself as a safe-haven for medium and long-term investment. By David Shirreff
  • Pfandbriefe: Germany's secret gamblers
  • Public Pfandbriefe sold by German mortgage banks are a familiar sight in international capital markets. But less well-known is what's swimming around in the underlying pools of collateral - and how the issuers earn their money. Another Orange County in the making? Marcus Walker investigates.
  • As credit research burgeoned last year there probably were analysts who could command seven-figure salaries. Demand is still high but supply is catching up. The best research houses are formalizing their approaches and a pecking order is developing. Rebecca Bream looks at what's on offer.
  • Most people who meet Alexandra McLeod, Bank of America's new European head of corporate banking, have trouble placing her accent. Americans think she's British; the English assume she's from North America. In fact hers is the perfect transatlantic background for the bank's senior officer in Europe.
  • Thailand's economy remains mired in recession and the banking sector is still groaning under the volume of bad debts. But the evidence of a turnround is growing. A new bankruptcy law should give banks confidence to extend new loans; foreign banks have injected new capital into the banking system; the best Thai borrowers are finding ways to issue new debt; and, perhaps most important of all, the Thai people's famous optimism is returning. Gill Baker reports.