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  • Time to build a banking empire
  • Romania has quietly slid into a debt trap and there are fears that it could be allowed to go under as the IMF and World Bank play hardball.
  • Mindful of the nervousness of international markets the Brazilian central bank pulled out all the stops to ensure that the collapse of Banco Pontual was a controlled affair.
  • Solid performers that buck the trend
  • The December edition of Euromoney focuses on Asia - the best Asian companies, the most talented bankers and commercial figures and the best banks. These are the crisis busters, the people and institutions whose success or failure will spell not just a renaissance in their own countries but will also provide a spur to economic growth elsewhere in the emerging and developed markets.
  • Blue chips of the future
  • How well we remember those early days when we helped you to meet the Herculean characters of the discount market in El Vino's and how much we admired the speed with which you took into account the day's liquidity shortage in your consumption of gin and tonics before lunch.
  • Solid performers that buck the trend
  • Making a career in Brazilian equities in the City of London might seem a job for an inward-looking intellectual who likes reading and doesn't mind waiting for the telephone to ring. But Stephen Rose, a quintessential Englishman, is quite the opposite - he is outgoing, gregarious and more likely to be ringing you. These qualities enabled him to build his brokerage, Stephen Rose & Partners, to the point where it attracted interest from Brazil's third-largest private bank, Unibanco, which bought the business two years ago.
  • Solid performers that buck the trend
  • Munich, Sunday November 15
  • Showing the new face of Asia