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  • Issuer: Tabacalera
  • Is this the biggest show in town?
  • South African banks were once regarded as introspective followers rather than leaders. But in the last six months, Investec, the independent Johannesburg-based investment bank, has broken the mould to become the foremost symbol of a financial services sector that is belatedly waking up to the pressures of globalization.
  • La Belle Maraichere, Pl. St Catherine/St Katherinapf. 11A, Bruxelles 1000 Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
  • Hi-tech comes to Europe
  • Cedel and Euroclear reckon half the volume they clear annually is repo business - $25 trillion. That includes government and corporate bonds. Add in the growing repo business in equities and there's a huge market - in collateralization, short-trading and securities lending. Katharine Morton reports.
  • The Asian Development Bank still has the best balance-sheet of the major multilaterals - on paper. But turmoil in the region and slowness by its major shareholders to pump in fresh capital could change the picture. Steven Irvine reports.
  • European investors are discovering what their US counterparts have known for years. Technology companies can provide spectacular returns. Venture capitalists and small-cap stock markets are working hard to accommodate the sector. Meanwhile, US investment banks, which honed their hi-tech skills financing the development of Silicon Valley, are making a big push across the Atlantic. Brian Bollen reports.
  • Some dreamers have a distant vision of the European Investment Bank (EIB) as the main issuing vehicle of a federal European government. It would be like the US treasury, holding auctions at yields well below the rest of the market.
  • As our awards show, the world's best borrowers have turned adversity to their advantage.
  • Is this the biggest show in town?