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There are 39,866 results that match your search.39,866 results
  • Decision time for Brazil's top bankers
  • Many Moslems are proud of their approach to finance but are bemused by western criticism. Richard Freeland explains.
  • Does Stephen O'Sullivan know something we don't? The former head of research at MC Securities in London has decided to move to Moscow to join the more discreet United Financial Group (UFG), a majority Russian-owned investment bank. The leading oil and gas analyst in the Russian market admits that the sale of MC Securities' Russian business (United City Bank) to Flemings has triggered his decision.
  • Leaders of Africa's new deal
  • When they were winning, the traders of Garantia, Brazil's leading investment bank, were formidable masters of the universe, confident and overbearing. Now they are down - after substantial losses last year - no-one in Sao Paulo feels much pity. But beneath the emotions lie more serious issues: can the bank founded 27 years ago by former tennis champion Jorge Paulo Lemann survive independently? Will it be bought by an international house? If so, what will happen to its daring traders? Brian Caplen reports.
  • BankAmerica and NationsBank had both bought into hi-tech investment banking, so when they merged there was bound to be surplus capacity. It was worse than that, though. BA's Robertson Stephens and Nations' Montgomery Securities had a bitter mutual history and could hardly have worked together. Michelle Celarier reports.
  • Richard Strang has spent almost all his 20-year City career at Morgan Grenfell (latterly Deutsche Morgan Grenfell), and appears, in demeanour at least, a very English banker. A tall, commanding presence, opera-loving Strang is known for his intense loyalty to his clients, for his unusual capacity for hard work and for tempering his politeness with determined persistence.
  • Some of the numbers related to the banking sector are truly worrying. Outstanding loans as a proportion of GDP stood at 152% in December. With Bank Negara projecting 2% to 3% GDP growth in 1998 and 15% credit growth, the ratio will rise to 165% by December 1998.
  • SS Euro - sinking the unsinkable
  • Our annual survey of business travel provides the answers you need before you fly. Which are the world's favourite hotels? Which are the best and worst airlines? And which airport has the best cold-meat selection? Research and report by Susan McCormack.
  • The lemming effect whereby all emerging markets are sold off because of bad news in a few may be slowly breaking down. While Latin America has experienced fallout from the Asian crisis, a survey of US portfolio investors shows their stance towards it quickly recovering to a more positive one. This is largely because of the region's strong fundamentals and adept handling of volatitilty.
  • Short-term foreign debt is a killer for emerging markets as recent events have shown. Incredibly, few analysts bother to measure it accurately. Often they only consider medium- and long-term debt figures to make predictions about economic health. Small wonder so many of those forecasts prove incorrect.