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  • It would be comforting to portray the intense and speedy negotiations by which international commercial banks and Korean government officials staved off a default in that country as the turning point in the Asian crisis [see cover story, this issue: Korea stares into the abyss]. Indeed, there was much to note and praise in that effort, not least the way in which certain of the largest American banks lived up to the best traditions of leadership in such debt crises.
  • Despite the current signs of relief in Japanese and other Asian financial markets, deflationary forces in the region are set to grow. That will force the US and Japan to signal the end of the Asian crisis with a new global policy framework and massive fiscal stimulus in Japan. Investors should prepare for a policy reversal.
  • Hong Kong's premier sporting event, the Rugby Sevens, solved its sponsorship quandary last month. Credit Suisse First Boston has taken over the role from the now bankrupt Peregrine.
  • Choppy markets have brought large, liquid issues from highly rated credits to the fore. With sovereign borrowing down, supranationals are taking their place. In this environment, getting investors interested in smaller corporate issues is tough. Rebecca Bream reports.
  • Journalists are a pretty useless bunch who drink too much and should be kept at arm's length. That's a view many people in the markets openly or secretly harbour. Not Dresdner RCM Global Investors.
  • Korea stares into the abyss
  • Do countries learn by their mistakes? Latin America has made many but this time it got things right. Prompt government action has contained volatility so far. Economists have been studying the winning policies. But can these lessons be taught or must they be gained from experience? Brian Caplen reports.
  • Less than a year ago a damaging scandal over payments to Japanese gangsters by senior officials at Nomura Securities suddenly propelled a little-known and comparatively young executive, Junichi Ujiie, to the office of president and chief executive. There he took on the task of stamping out corruption and modernizing management at Japan's largest securities firm.
  • What more proof could there be that banking stays in the blood? After a five-year stint as chairman of the UK's Securities & Investments Board (SIB), Sir Andrew Large is returning to the coal face by becoming Sir Peter Middleton's replacement as deputy chairman at Barclays.
  • Last December, Korea staved off default by a whisker. As the rest of the world dithered, the US banks came up with a rescue plan. It bought time while two heroes emerged to hammer out a deal: Citibank's debt-crisis veteran Bill Rhodes and Mark Walker, one of the toughest lawyers in the business, acting for Korea. The battle was all about bank relationships and the double-edged sword of market forces. Peter Lee reports.
  • Takumi Shibata has long been considered among the most brilliant of Nomura's rising stars. "He's without doubt one of the most able at the bank," says one British banker who has known him since 1988. "Analytical, decisive, and absolutely the right man considering Nomura's strategy of giving the international business such a large sway within the firm."
  • With markets so volatile, how is Caspian Securities, the world's only investment bank dedicated solely to emerging markets, coping with the situation? Fine, according to its founder and chief, Christopher Heath. But others are less sure, especially in the wake of Peregrine's fall.