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  • Banks are constantly exploring new and cheaper ways of raising and using capital. After Tier 1 (shareholders' funds) and Tier 2 (debt capital) comes Tier 3 to support short-term trading positions. But only the adventurous Dutch have put Tier 3 to use. There seems to be more mileage in clever structures such as callable perpetuals. Jules Stewart reports.
  • Issuer: Household International
  • Yet another trading scandal came very close to rocking a major financial institution in the City of London recently. This time it was Bankers Trust which had a nasty shock when it discovered that blatant rogue trading was going on in its midst. The perpetrators this time were children from a London secondary school attending a Bankers Trust maths weekend at the University of Warwick.
  • A change in the way US treasuries can be settled promises to inject liquidity into repo markets denominated in illiquid currencies or in markets that lack repo. It also has ramifications for the holding of US treasuries as reserve assets. By Christopher Stoakes
  • 1997 Bond Trading Poll: The rise of the continentals
  • Investment in private equity markets in eastern Europe is hard work, but enthusiasts reckon it's worth the effort. "In private equity we're sweating a lot trying to turn a profit, and then we look next door and see those guys making a lot of money buying and selling in the public markets," says Philippe Belot, a senior banker at the EBRD. But "we'll be better off in the longer term. We're betting on an upturn in these economies."
  • Euromoney's 1997 bond trading poll is dominated by SBC Warburg, ABN Amro, Deutsche Morgan Grenfell and US giants Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley and JP Morgan. In almost all categories the continental players are on the rise. Commentary by Rebecca Dobson.
  • The development of Chile's domestic securitization market is gathering pace, with half a dozen transactions in the pipeline following the groundbreaking deal launched in January by Transa Securitizadora. As Euromoney went to press, Transa was about to launch a second offering, consisting of $9.7 million of notes backed by mortgage loans.
  • 1997 Bond Trading Poll: The rise of the continentals
  • It looks like third time lucky
  • The killer from Manila
  • "It's turned out to be what we think is a perfect balance of our cultures and backgrounds - both China and Scotland," says Ian Wilson, Standard Chartered's general manager for Hong Kong, China and north-east Asia.