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There are 39,858 results that match your search.39,858 results
  • UK merchant bank Robert Fleming is in dire need of a good performance in 1996. It's unlikely to get one. With thousands of new employees hired in a bid to extend the global network, revenues have not grown fast enough to cover costs. Shareholders are restless. Charles Olivier reports
  • From lactation rooms to the high seas, with a lot of music in between.
  • Executive director and head of European bond credit research, UBS
  • Self-taught M&A expert Rakesh Saxena teed off a glittering career on Bangkok's exclusive Navatanee golf course. But he eventually helped drive Bangkok Bank of Commerce into the rough with a bunch of allegedly dubious deals. Five of Saxena's Thai associates are due to be tried for embezzlement and the Bank of Thailand is now trying to rescue BBC. Saxena made it away to Vancouver, where he awaits extradition proceedings. Meanwhile, he protests his innocence and hones his golf skills. Gill Maitland reports
  • All over Europe, banks are counting the cost of preparing for the single currency ­whether their home country is "in" or "out". Apart from buying new bank-wide technology, they face a loss of trading revenue and a threat to their corporate client base. Not to mention the thought that it may never happen. Peter Lee reports
  • The top 100 Arab banks
  • Mexico, Brazil and Argentina have adhered to their structural reform programmes despite the side-effects ­ on growth and employment ­ in order to maintain investor confidence. But, David Pilling argues, high financing requirements could still lead them into difficulties. A sudden outflow of capital might result in default
  • The top 100 Arab banks
  • The top 100 Arab banks
  • Edited by Brian Caplen
  • Korea has been negotiating to join the OECD. But the country's financial structure is still partly shackled, despite reforms in recent years. And president Kim's call for Korea to accept globalization has not been welcomed by many of his compatriots involved in finance and business. They believe opening the country's fragile financial markets to foreigners too quickly will create instability. Andrew Horvat reports