If you are a big bank on the hunt for smaller fish to swallow up, where do you look? Banks that show no potential for creativity or filling gaps in market coverage are unlikely to figure as your acquisition targets. That's particularly true if they are going through a bad patch. But your prey may turn out to be on the hunt themselves. Banks that have sharpened up by hauling themselves out of disaster are often as likely to be potential acquirers as acquisitions. The same is true of those that have been long-term successes because of imaginative and efficient exploitation of product or regional niches. Then there are the banks that look too big to be acquired but seem uncertain or cautious about punching their weight. We look here at eight European banks with plenty to shout about but at least a hint of ambiguity about where they are heading. Brian Caplen, Laura Covill, Desmond Crowley, Philip Moore, Nick Kochan and Jules Stewart report
August 01, 1996