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There are 39,902 results that match your search.39,902 results
  • The combination of Chase and Chemical always held the prospect of creating a foreign-exchange giant able to challenge Citibank's number-one position. But for the former Chemical managers - who dominate the new operation - the tough challenge will be to integrate the two banks' very different styles: can the old Chase's customer-oriented salesmen pedal at the same speed as Chemical's traders? By Steven Irvine
  • A change in US accounting standards has simplified the behind-the-scenes negotiations in global exempt offerings. By Christopher Stoakes
  • Since taking charge of CS First Boston in 1993, Allen Wheat has done much to improve the firm's profitability. The payoff for employees was supposed to be a fairer allocation of bonuses. Many bond traders felt it didn't work that way this year and some left in disgust, making odious comparisons between their own thinner pay checks and those of supposedly key employees. Peter Lee reports
  • George Cornelissen; Michael Phair; Anders Bergendahl
  • Did Nikolaus Senn, chairman of the embattled Union Bank of Switzerland, seize a merger proposal from CS chairman Rainer Gut and use it as a crude weapon against his bitterest enemy and major shareholder Martin Ebner? Here's the story whose climax a third of all Zurich inhabitants watched on television. But will it have a happy ending? And who pairs off with whom? David Shirreff reports
  • A special report by Euromoney
  • A special report prepared by the GiroCredit Bank Group
  • Having arrived from Merrill Lynch four years ago to join a "European bank", she was said to be upset by her feeling of déjà vu.
  • The banking sector has been at the leading edge of economic reforms throughout the economies of central Europe. For most of the more developed markets, striving to join the European Union has given them a focus to get their banking sectors in order, and fast. The majority of countries in the region have created sound legislative frameworks based on international banking principles and double-tier banking systems around the core of a broadly independent central bank. However, the hard work is by no means over. The difficult task has been to make sure that the banks that have been created are able to survive and operate according to commercial principles and, ultimately, to stand on their own feet.
  • A special report by Euromoney