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The region’s best bank for small and medium-sized enterprises is Bancolombia.
Most UK SMEs applying for loans have their applications approved, raising worries that banks have loosened standards just as risk mounts.
Trade finance is gaining momentum as a securitized asset class – the resultant increased liquidity may offer corporates access to trade finance much more easily and quickly, especially as digital solutions streamline the process. Will SMEs, which have traditionally found it harder to access the market, be able to reap the benefits as well?
OakNorth shows that SME lending need not be unduly risky and can be highly profitable, and other new banks are following its example.
Of all the global corridors of trade and investment, the one between Latin America and the Middle East is among the least travelled.
CEO says bank liquidity and lavish social spending hamper capital markets development.
Biometrics will help online retailers protect themselves from fraud – but maintaining customer experience at the same time may be a challenge.
Banks have found it hard to lend to Mexico’s large SME segment, but persistence is beginning to pay off for those with the requisite focus – and skills.
Rather than super-CEOs and messianic technology, European banks might find salvation simply in small-business lending by empowered staff. As some of the best-performing banks recognize, keeping to the basics offers good long-term returns.