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Euromoney’s FX Survey uncovered sweeping changes in market structure and client behaviour during the past year.
Euromoney's annual Best Managed Companies ranking is based on a survey of market analysts at leading banks and research institutes around the world. Polling takes place from 7th June to late July.
Results index More data
Results index More data Non-financial corporations
Citi retains top ranking while Deutsche plummets; JPMorgan and UBS rise; top five market share at all-time low; non-bank FX providers make an impact on rankings.
Changes among the top five • new entrants to the top 10 • new winners in three of the big four client categories • new regional winners • three new entrants to the top 10 trading platform firms
View the full results of the Fixed Income Research Survey 2016 here.
2015 runner-up climbs to top spot in overall categories.
Euromoney highlights six of the strongest key innovations in Islamic finance from the last 12 months.
Euromoney surveys cash managers, treasurers and financial officers worldwide. The survey is split into a non-financial institutions questionnaire and a financial institutions questionnaire. Respondents are asked to indicate:
Asiamoney’s Cash Management Poll has merged with the Euromoney Cash Management Poll to form one poll using just one questionnaire. This single questionnaire will produce results for both Asiamoney and Euromoney and these results are published separately. The categories and mechanics of the poll follows those of previous year.
Country risk scores for many of the large emerging markets (EMs) continued to fall in the first months of the year. Risk scores have now reached levels that do not preclude another global shock if China hits the skids.
Euromoney will ask investors to nominate their top three credit research providers across a range of sectors and borrower types.
UBS Wealth Management voted best global private bank; revenue outlook dimmer this year; asset management competition heats up.