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Nomura has signed MarketPrizm, a market data and trading infrastructure provider, to provide it with ultra-low-latency networking connectivity for market data and connectivity across a multitude of market venues across Europe.
TraFXpure, the FX trading platform launched by interdealer broker Tradition in late May, is on track to go live by the end of 2012, says Daniel Marcus, head of strategy and business development at Tradition, in an exclusive interview with EuromoneyFXNews.
The Swiss National Bank further diversified its reserve holdings in the second quarter as it increased holdings in “other” currencies by a third as at the end of June, figures released by the central bank today showed.
Lloyds Bank has continued the expansion of its global foreign exchange business with the hiring of two people from UBS for its Sydney operation, a Lloyds spokesperson has confirmed.
Speculators on the CME more than doubled their long JPY positions as concerns over the global economy sparked haven demand for the Japanese currency.
Daily foreign exchange turnover averaged $2 trillion in the UK during April 2012, 2% lower than in October 2011 and down 5% on a year earlier, according to the Bank of England’s semi-annual turnover survey for the Foreign Exchange Joint Standing Committee.
Vodafone Hutchison Australia (VHA), a joint venture between mobile telephone groups Vodafone and Hutchison 3G, has chosen Bloomberg’s multi-dealer FX platform (FXGO) to manage its currency risk.
Société Générale has hired Simon Shooter for its London-based hedge fund sales team, as the French bank continues to restructure its global FX sales business, the bank has confirmed.
EBS, which is in the midst of revamping its trading system, expects to implement most of its new features by the end of the year, says the firm’s chief executive, Gil Mandelzis, in an exclusive interview with EuromoneyFXNews.
Global retail FX volume will climb to $401 billion a day in 2013, according to a research report by consultancy group Aite.
Autobahn app store opened; Offers tailored solutions for all clients
Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, was on fighting form this week on a trip to London, triggering a wave of short covering in EURUSD.
China is mulling a delicate trade-off between inflation, growth and export expansion in its currency policy.
Allocating to CTAs to gain exposure to uncorrelated currency returns is becoming a growing investment trend. Now non-profit foundations and endowment funds are looking to allocate more into commodity trading advisors, reports Foundation & Endowment Money Management, a sister publication of EuromoneyFXNews.
German manufacturers are looking for the EURUSD to strengthen in the long term after the EU summit earlier this month eased concerns over the single currency’s future.
HSBC has hired a spot trader in New York from the Greenwich, Connecticut-based proprietary trading firm Gellos Capital, according to people familiar with the situation
A managing director at Fortress Investment Group is moving back to the sell side as a managing director and head of FX sales for Asia at Morgan Stanley, according to people familiar with the situation.
You have to look very hard to find any positive developments on either side of the Atlantic. How strange that the USA’s currency and sovereign bonds have become havens for investors despite the chronic problems of the world’s largest economy in terms of internal and external deficits, political stagnation as well as chronically underfunded future pension and health care costs. The reason, of course, is that confidence in the euro and in the survival of the euro zone is so low that even the dismal outlook of the US economy looks good by comparison.
Summer has arrived, the Olympics open on Friday, and millions of tourists are pouring into London. Surely a time to lift the mood, perhaps look for a short-term lift in sterling as the UK basks in the attention of the world? Don’t get caught up in the emotion, it’s unlikely to happen, say FX strategists at Barclays.
Although the breakup of the eurozone is considered highly unlikely, companies should prepare for this possibility, as they do for other unlikely events with huge negative fallout, to reduce risks, says Alex Postma, an EMEIA international tax services leader, Ernst & Young, in an article first published in the International Tax Review
A pilot project in Qianhai, near Shenzhen in southern China, aims to boost cross-border trade and direct investment opportunities between the region and Hong Kong. But Beijing is yet to introduce a clear framework for the project.
Massive intervention from the Swiss National Bank (SNB) has become one of the main drivers of price action in the currency markets and is likely to become more dominant as the summer lull approaches.
Tradable, a new platform that is hoping to revolutionize FX online trading, is set to launch later in the summer.
Deutsche Bank has launched the next generation of its Autobahn – the FX platform that revolutionized electronic trading in the past decade – which it says will redefine the way trading is conducted with its clients.
Thomson Reuters and GFI have formed a joint venture (JV) with the Chinese state-owned asset and wealth management firm SDIC Trust to create a foreign exchange and money broker for the domestic Chinese financial markets.
The value of payments in offshore RMB has grown by 17 times in the past 22 months, according to figures from Swift, the financial messaging service.
Saxo Capital Markets UK, the UK subsidiary of the Danish online FX broker, has appointed a market veteran to replace Albert Maasland as chairman of its board.
Digital Vega, the options multi-dealer platform founded by Mark Suter, has appointed a head of distribution as part of the company’s expansion efforts.
Commodity Trading Advisors, Rotella Capital Management and Molinero Capital Management have formed a joint venture and launched a new fund that will offer a futures and foreign-currency multi-strategy.
Molten Markets, the multi-dealer FX platform founded by Simon Wilson-Taylor and launched last month, has made two new senior hires as part of its strategy to cater for the increasing demand from liquidity providers for fairer and fully transparent market places.