Liquidity poll methodology and results
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Liquidity poll methodology and results

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Euromoney asked bond fund managers and buy-side traders across Europe which banks do the best job of providing liquidity in these sectors. We received 133 responses from 101 institutions, 42 of which are ranked in the Institutional Investor Euro 100 league table of top fund managers. If you have queries, please contact Andrew Newby, head of research, on +44 (0) 20 7779 8694,

Investment grade
2004 Bank Score
1 Deutsche Bank 694
2 JPMorgan 683
3 Barclays Capital 610
4 ABN Amro 524
5 Morgan Stanley 521
6 Citigroup 505
7 BNP Paribas 447
8 UBS 438
9 Société Générale 413
10 HSBC 230
11 CSFB 205
12 RBS 196
13 Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein 190
14 Goldman Sachs 178
15 Lehman Bros 135
16 Fortis Bank 106
17 Merrill Lynch 94
18 Bear Stearns 29
19= HVB 28
19= SEB Merchant Banking 28
Credit indices
2004 Bank Score
1 JPMorgan 612
2 ABN Amro 474
3 Deutsche Bank 376
4 Morgan Stanley 337
5 Citigroup 327
6 BNP Paribas 316
7 Lehman Bros 287
8 Merrill Lynch 240
9 Barclays Capital 226
10 Société Générale 218
11 UBS 212
12 Goldman Sachs 137
13 HSBC 99
14 Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein 88
15 CSFB 54
16 Bank of America 38
17 RBS 35
18 Fortis Bank 23
19 Bear...
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