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In partnership with Saudi EXIMMiddle East and Africa banking series
Sponsored by CIBAfrica’s debt problem constrains government spending and investment across the continent. Ample access to electricity is another problem, which constrains growth. Then there are the twin climate and biodiversity crises, to which fragile African states are particularly vulnerable. There is no panacea for these interlocking challenges. But there is a tool that offers the chance to make some progress on all of them — debt-for-nature swaps (DfNS).
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Sponsored by CIBNot that long ago, private equity firms only had to be active in Africa to claim their capital was having an ‘impact’. Such was the investment shortfall that simply being willing to face the array of challenges earned the label. But as the standards for impact investing are rise, private equity needs to find a way to meet them while simultaneously delivering higher risk-adjusted returns.
In partnership with Commercial International Bank (CIB)Middle East and Africa banking series
Sponsored by CIBAfter coming worryingly close to a full-blown economic crisis, this year saw Egypt turn things around. The authorities are promising new policies, privatisation, a raft of reforms and a thriving private sector. Investors – domestic and international – have been placated. But it will take much more for them to have faith that this time things will truly be different.
Sponsored by CIBThe most optimistic vision for Egypt’s economic future rests on a private sector that is allowed to grow and thrive. A combination of red tape, restrictions and state-owned monopoly has long prevented private firms from meeting their true potential. Egyptian authorities say they mean business this time – but there are some tough barriers that need breaking.
Sponsored by CIBAfrica’s economic growth has slowed markedly over the last 10 years. The solutions are many, but ultimately African countries need to move further up the value chain and diversify into new products. This means more trade - much more.
Sponsored by CIBIt is often said that African countries trade more with countries outside the continent than amongst themselves, in part as a legacy of the old colonial development model. Bolstering intra-Africa trade is not only welcome but also a key answer to sluggish economic growth. Progress through tools such as the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is happening, but not as fast as it could.